Wednesday 22 April 2015

The ultimate game of seduction: Doina Ciobanu vs. the luxe hotel room

Posted in Fashion / Fashion blog / Fashion photo shoots / Fashion pictures

The game of seduction is a dangerous thing and few are those who dare win at it by actually following the rules. Doina Ciobanu is one of those rare examples melting femininity into pure temptation, her attitude kept perfectly classy all the while fading into freedom, and delving into a pool of sex-appeal. Having the Mondrian Los Angeles serve as luxurious location, Tom Fraud’s editorial is the peek behind closed doors.

Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA

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Picture gallery
Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA Doina Ciobanu by Tom Fraud at Mondian LA

Tagged: Cheryl Calo Doina Ciobanu Tom Fraud

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