Tuesday 21 April 2015

Marcia Sherrill’s Annabelle Hits Chinese TV

BEIJING–Marcia Sherrill, the American designer who famously lost control of her eponymous luxury bag label in her 2006 divorce, is hoping that that middle class buyers in China will be the making of her new affordable label Annabelle. From this summer images of Sherrill’s bright-colored totes will be beamed in the homes of 40 million potential buyers, thanks to local shopping channel CNR Mall. “China is ready for mid-range, well-priced design. You have the H&Ms and the Zaras at one end and Balmain at the other, but nothing in the middle,” Sherrill told WWD at an event to showcase CNR Mall’s new American brands in Beijing on Monday. CNR Mall, which was created in 2012, is 51 percent controlled by state-owned broadcaster China National Radio and 49 percent owned US television shopping giant QVC. Sherrill has filmed three one-hour long segments in which she talks about her colorful life, traumatic divorce, her pet pig, and of course her products. Sherrill started Annabelle bag range three years ago and currently has about ten looks named after the notional people that inspired them – such as Lexington Avenue Lizzy and Hollywood Road Hannah. For China, she will also produce scarves, bedding, umbrellas and luggage. “QVC really want to build

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